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Computer Lab & Consultations

Please scroll below to schedule an appointment within our computer lab, or to
schedule a consultation.

Computer Lab Booking

We provide a Computer Lab for Small Business Owners & Local Philadelphia Residents to utilize for Productive Internet, Printing, and Scanning use.

As a result to Covid - 19, our Computer Lab will remain closed until the Green Phase is proposed within the
City of Philadelphia.

Also, due to Covid - 19 within our computer lab our company will only allow three patrons within each allotted time block.

Please click below, to book your appointment within our Computer Lab.

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Consultation Service Bookings

Need an consultation for any of our Corporate or Personalized Services that we offer?

No problem, we will offer you a free 30-Minute Preliminary Consultation. Once, we understand the context of your current problem then we'll instruct you to complete one of our intake forms that are directed to your issue.

Please click below to book your free 30-Minute Preliminary Consultation. This link will provide you a pathway to complete our Preliminary Intake Form online via Desktop or Mobile Phone.

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